Seit 30 Jahren unterstützen wir Projekte in Litauen und Belarus und seit März 2022 auch in der Ukraine. Wir leisten Hilfe, die ankommt, und dort, wo sie benötigt wird.

Dear visitors,

„Humanitäre Hilfe Bergisch Gladbach e.V.“ (Humanitarian Aid Bergisch Gladbach) before 12 September 2023 known as „Hilfe Litauen Belarus e.V.“ (Help Lithuania Belarus)
The roots of our association date back 30 years. Everything started by a student exchange between the twin cities Marijampole (Lithuania) and Bergisch Gladbach, our home town.

Since 30 years we support the poorest of the poor in Lithuania and Belarus. Since the Ukraine is under attack we support in cooperation with „Humanitäre Hilfe Overath e.V.“ (Humanitarian Aid Overath) different partners in and near Lviv as well as the bishopric of Kamjanez-Podilski.

Our home address is:
Sander Aue 34
51465 Bergisch Gladbach

The managing board members are
Ulrich Gürster, 1st president,
Stephan Glaubitt, 2nd president, and
Heinz-Bernd Padberg, treasurer.

Here you can find the current statutes.

For further information please contact with Heinz-Bernd  Padberg